Data and Visual Analytics —Data Science Buzzwords

Rezana Dowra
3 min readJan 16, 2023


This article serves as my personal notes for the course CSE 6242 Data and Visual Analytics taken at Georgia Tech University (GaTech) during Spring 2023.

This course will introduce you to broad classes of techniques and tools for analysing and visualising data at scale.

Its emphasis is on how to complement computation and visualisation to perform effective analysis. We will cover methods from each side, and hybrid ones that combine the best of both worlds.

The lesson is about Data Science Buzzwords. You can find all lessons here.

What are buzzwords?

These are words that become popular over a specific period of time. The course is about data science, so you should hear many buzzwords.

When you are working on a data science project and you are selecting which technologies to use. Buzzwords can influence your technological choices.

The Gartner Hyper Cycle

This is a view of what is popular and what is dying down. This cycles shows the lifetime of trends. Starting with the innovation trigger, followed by the peak of inflated expectations.
Eventually leading to a plateau of productivity.

Gartner Hype Cyle

This is a tool that can be used to understand buzzwords. This cycle also does not represent all trends.

AI Boom

We are currently in the third wave of AI boom. We have experienced two AI winters before. The previous trends ended because of computation power, interest and funding.

The previous AI booms were in the 1950s in which researchers, the govt and investors bought into the idea of an AI brain. The project was under estimated and the loss of interest and funding slowed down the research in the field. Seven years after this there were new found interest in the field and this lasted up until the 1980s. Issues resulting from over ambitious goals lead to the general disinterest.

Since then we have developed ways to solve AI problems using Machine Learning. This is where the problem space is clearer, scoped down, the solutions are more viable and progressive in building usable solutions.

The White House Report

Contains information that will allow you to differentiate between AI, AI related technologies, Machine Learning.

The current state of AI

The concept of Narrow AI highlights that we have reached a point where we can use AI to perform individual intelligent tasks. Such as a software that self-drives and a software that can play a game.

Today we cannot use the same software for specific tasks interchangeably.
This type of tasks is the future of AI and is projected to come in the next few decades.

Hope you learned something.


